Fields allow you to capture specific information within documents from both internal and external guest participants without editing rights. This information is then available as data that can be reported on in Reports.
- Add text or multi-option fields such as checkboxes and radio buttons
- Fields can be optional or required
- Assign the person who can fill the field: someone from your company, an external party, etc.
Standard Fields (available in the Live editor only)
Standard Fields are customizable fields that can be inserted anywhere in your document.Unfilled standard fields display customizable placeholder text within the document.
- Short answer
- Paragraph
- Radio buttons
- Checkboxes
Smart Fields (available in the Live editor only)
- Learn more about Smart Fields
Signer Fields
Signer fields are used to manually create a signature block for your signatories anywhere within the document. Signer fields are commonly collected information from signers, though other fields can also be included in signature blocks.
Only configured signers can be assigned to Signer fields. They cannot be filled by non-signers.
- Full Name
- Title
- Company
- Signature
PDF and Word mode documents
All the Signer fields and the Standard Short Answer fields are available in all PDF and Word mode documents.
Since fields in PDF/Word mode documents overlay the content of the document itself, their width and height can be resized manually to fit the layout of the document. This behavior is unique to the fields in PDF/Word mode documents.