Anyone Signature

With Concord's E-signature capabilities, you can now add 'Anyone' as a signature option, allowing any user with access to the document to act as the signatory.

Add 'Anyone Signature' from the Document Builder

  • Configure your signers on import of the document. 
  • Select '+Signer' and enter the name or email of the individual that will be required to sign.
  • If no known signer has been specified, you can also select any internal guestany external guest or anyone.
  • Signatories can be edited at any time in the signer panel.


Add Anyone Signature from the Signature Panel 

  • To open the Signers panel, click Configure signers.
  • Configure signers can be found in the Signature menu at the top of the document:


You can configure a maximum of 20 signatures.

When an anyone signer is configured, they can sign the document at any time unless signing order is turned on. When Request Signature is selected, a request email will be sent to all shared users on the document.