Message Templates are pre-written email notification content, including a subject line and body text. Creating a message template is a good practice when you find you are writing the same message repeatedly when sending document invitations.
Creating a message template
Message templates can be created under Settings in the Message templates section, and are created and saved at the individual user level.
From the Home page, select the gear icon at the bottom left-hand corner
You will be navigated to your Settings page
Select Message templates under the personal section
Click the Create message button
This will open the message template popup:
Enter a Title - this will not be seen by the recipient but will be used to select which message you would like to use when sharing a document
Enter a Message subject - this will be the subject of the invitation email
Enter a Message - this will be the body of the invitation email
- Click Save to add this template
Using a message template
Once you create a message template, you can apply it to your document invitations.
- On a document, click the Share button in the top-right
- This will launch the Share with people popup
- Share this document by adding users to the Add people field
- Click the gear icon in the message section
- Click Use message template

- Click Send to share the document immediately
- Click the down arrow next to the Send button or select Save for later to save the invitation for a later time.