Getting Started with the Concord API

Before getting started, review the Concord API documentation for more details on what is possible.

  • First, you will need to create an account in Concord's Sandbox Environment. 
    • Working in a sandbox allows you to create testing environments that will not affect your live instance of Concord.
    • You will also want to invite any other colleagues who will need sandbox access to the account. 
  • Please note that you are on a free trial plan of the Sandbox environment when you first sign up for your UAT account. To upgrade to the full capabilities of the environment, you will need to email a list of the email accounts that you invited into the Sandbox.
    • Support will then upgrade your UAT accounts, as API key generation is only offered on paid plans.
    • Once upgraded, you can generate an API key and test the API capabilities before bringing them into your live environment. 

For future UAT logins, here's the sandbox URL:

Note: The email addresses that you provide to support must already be used in the organization's Concord account.