Inserting Salesforce Opportunity Product fields into an Automated Template

Inserting Salesforce Opportunity Product fields into your Concord documents makes it easier to generate quotes, order forms, and invoices for multiple products without any manual entry.

When creating a Concord agreement from Salesforce that includes Opportunity Product fields, the resulting agreement may contain multiple values for each Salesforce Opportunity Product field inserted into the automated template used for generation.

To account for these multiple values, there are several requirements for how Opportunity Product fields must be inserted into the automated template. 

To insert Opportunity Product fields:

  • Open a Salesforce automated template (to learn how to create an Automated Template with Salesforce, click here)
  • Click Edit 
  • Insert a table in your document 
  • Place your cursor and click into the table cell in which you want to add the Opportunity Product field
  • From the 'Insert' menu in the editor toolbar, select Salesforce field
  • Scroll to the Opportunity Products section or search for a specific Opportunity Product field by name
  • Select your desired field
  • Click Add

If the Opportunity Product section in the 'Add Salesforce field' modal is disabled, one or more of the requirements to insert this field type has not been met. Review the guidance messaging in the modal to determine how to proceed. 

Requirements to insert Opportunity Product fields:

  • All Opportunity Product fields must be inserted into a table. 
  • All Opportunity Product fields must be located in the same table row. 
  • Only insert one Opportunity Product field per cell. Do not add other text or fields in that cell. 
  • Tables containing Opportunity Product fields can include header and footer rows. 
  • Multiple tables containing Opportunity Product fields can be added to a single template. 

With the first version, 2-way "data sync" will not be enabled for the Opportunity product fields. Due to this, changes to data entered into your fields must be made in both Salesforce AND on your Concord document.

Having Issues using this feature? You may need an update to the latest Concord<>Salesforce integration package. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or Concord Support.