Global Search

Use the Global Search tool located at the top of your Home and Documents page to find documents in your Company account(s). You can search for documents by their:

  • Title
  • Description (in Summary Sheet)
  • External guests / third parties
  • Content - including PDFs

  • To search for a document, click on the Search bar and start typing.


  • Once you have entered a search, you can use the filters in the left sidebar to narrow down your results. You can filter your results by:
    • Status
    • Tag
    • External guest / third party
    • Company account

To learn more about Document Filters, click here.

Search Across Company Accounts

  • Search results include documents stored in every company/subsidiary account associated with your user profile.
  • You can refine your results by selecting the company under the 'MY COMPANIES' section of the left sidebar: 

Note: Only users with access to documents in other subsidiaries will see subsidiary documents within their search results.