Invite Colleagues to Concord

You can invite any colleague from your company to join Concord to share and collaborate on contracts. 

Adding Colleagues

  • To invite one or more of your colleagues to Concord, click on the gear icon at the bottom left corner of the screen. Under Company select 'Users'.
  •  Then select 'Add User'.
  • Add the email address of the colleague you would like to invite and assign them a role.
  • Add a personal message, and select Send.

Resend Invitations

You can view the list of active users from your organization and users awaiting approval by clicking on:  the gear icon, then under the Company Options, select Users.  

To re-send invitations to your colleagues: 

  • Select the colleagues that need a follow-up invitation.
  • Click on 'Resend invitation' and a new email will then be sent to the selected colleagues.