Creating a Document from a HubSpot Template

Start on a Deal, Company, or Contact in HubSpot, and click the Create document button in the Concord section of the right panel. 

  1. Click Create document
  2. Choose a title for your document
  3. Select the template to use to generate your contract
  4. Select the contacts with which you would like to share your contract
  5. To share this contract with external colleagues, enter the email address manually in the text field in the modal
  6. Select either Invite now or Invite later

  7. Select Invite later to create the document without sharing, or select Invite now to share the document as soon as it's created.
  8. Click Create to create the document, or click Create and View to create the document and open it in a new tab (and share it if you've selected Invite now).

  9. You are then able to edit the document in Concord.